Friday, May 4, 2012

27 days of rain

I love this picture!  it is bright and cheery and YELLOW....don't you love yellow!!!  Well for the first time i picked flowers to give away......brought them to work and put them in a cup for the front ladies to look at.
there was a funny old lady in the chair who was a very sweet fuss that thought she was too old....somehow i sympathized with her and thought to cheer her up.  On the way out gave her three of the flowers.  Not too sure she was happy or not but she accepted them.  There were still three left==no one wanted them so I took them to my daughter at the salon and she wanted them.  !!
No rain today!  it was a beautiful drive to work.  saw a moose. took several pictures of snow geese and the distant clouds of rain.  UNTIL i got close to the valley of home AND THEN it started to rain!! hahah It always rains when i get home from a long trip or something.  Oh well it is still beautiful.

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